Memorial candle for relatives/friends

We are also offering a new service to those living abroad, with loved ones buried
in Israel, or even Israeli residents who just cannot manage to get to their loved
ones’ graves in a timely fashion.
For both those living abroad and Israeli residents as described above, we
will perform this service making a special trip to the gravesite on the
proper date to light a memorial candle and recited Psalms or Mishnayot in
his or her memory.

We will send you a photo of the candle-lighting via the “WhatsApp” application!

Currently, this service is being offered only in certain cities: Tiberias, Jerusalem,
Safed and the surrounding area [For further information about other places, please write in the form
and we will respond as soon as possible].

A request to visit a grave should be sent at least 48 hours before the yahrzeit [If
the Hebrew date falls on a Sabbath or Holiday, we will make sure to go there a few days before].

After receiving your request we will send you a secured form for payment in
different currencies and payment options, [credit card, bank transfer, electronic check, “BIT”],
depending on your country of residence – Payment should be made the
same day the form is sent to you [ Any request not accompanied by payment will not be handled ].

The price for this service is as follows:
48 USD [Usually payment is made in the currency of your country of residence]

Form for filling in details

May the prophecy of Isaiah (Chapter 25, verse 8): "He will swallow up death in
victory; and the Lord G-d will wipe away tears from off all faces...”, be
speedily fulfilled in our days!