“The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord” (Proverbs 20/27)

The custom of lighting a Memorial Candle on memorial days on special days of
remembrance and commemoration is well known. Countless numbers of
people light such a candle on the anniversary of the death of a loved one,
and often at the gravesite itself. It is also well known that many Kabbalists and
Tzadikim would light dozens of Yahrzeit Candles when conducting “Tikkun” prayers.

There is an especially high merit if olive oil is used!
Therefore, in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, the Menorah was only lit with the
choicest of pure olive oil, as is written: “And you shall command the people of
Israel that they bring you pure beaten olive oil for the light, for the lamp to burn
continuously” (Exodus 27:20).

From time to time we come to graves of Tzadikim to light a Memorial Candle
from solid olive oil
with special prayers for salvation for anyone in need, being
recited at the time the candles are kindled.

You too can be a true partner in these special candle-lightings with your
donation*, [much like participating in the lighting of public candle lightings on
Hanukkah]. For your convenience, easy donor options are available: credit card
in different currencies / bank transfer / “BIT” application [according to your
country of residence].
*Minimum NIS 36

Every lighting ceremony is filmed and uploaded on our YouTube channel.
In addition [by prior arrangement] you can join us when we light a candle, and
even be honored to light the candle personally!

Every month we light up in one of the graves of the Tzadikim below:

Birya – Benayahu Ben Yehoyada
Hatzor Haglilit – Choni Hameagel
Tiberias – Rabbi Avraham Abichatzera , The Tanna Rabbi Meir Baal Hanes , Rabbi Menachem Mendel
from Vitebsk
, Rabbi Moshe Ben Maymun , Rabbi Akiva
Jerusalem – Rabbi Asher Fraynd , Admor Rabbi Gdalya Moshe Goldman from Zvhil , The Kabbalist Rabbi Chaim Avishalom Cohen Pirchiya [The Milkman] , Rabbi Chaim Ben Atar , Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulay [Hachida] ,
The Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Leon Ptilon [The holy painter] , The Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Leib Halevi Ashlag ,
Rabbi Yehuda Meir Shapira , The Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Dayan , The Kabbalist Rabbi Itzchak HaCohen Huberman [The Tzadik of Ra'anana] , The Kabbalist Rabbi Itzchak Chduri , Rabbi Israel Dov Odesser ,
The Rishon Lezion The Kabbalist Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu , The Kabbalist Rabbi Mordechai Sharabi ,
The Rishon Lezion Rabbi Ovadya Yosef , The Prophet Samuel Halevi , Shimon HaTzadik
Meron – The Tanna Rabbi Yochanan Hasandlar
Moshav Dalton – The Tanna Rabbi Yosi Haglili
Amuka – The Tanna Rabbi Yonatan ben Uziel
Safed – Rabbi Yitzhak Luria Ashkenazi [Ha'ari] , Rabbi Avraham Dov Oyerbuch from Ovruch , The Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Yechiel Fisch , Rabbi Arye Leyb Baal Haisurim , The Prophet Hoshea , The Tanna Rabbi Yehuda Bar Ilay , Rabbi Yosef Karo
Kadita – The Tanna Rabbi Tarfon

In order to participate please leave here your Name, email address, your
‘WhatsApp’ number and country of residence – and we will contact you soon!

With blessings of salvation, miracles, and wonders!